76 years of activity

Dance program

In collaborating with numerous ethno-choreologists and choreographers over the years, an impressive repertoire of choreographies has been created. Some 100 choreographies, representing the song and dance traditions of Croatia, as well as the song and dance traditions of Croats who have lived for centuries in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vojvodina, Montenegro and beyond, make up this collection.

Throughout a season, LADO gives several full evening dance concerts during which a dozen or so choreographies are performed, and these represent various areas of the country and the wide spectrum of styles of song and dance. Our aim is to present a diverse and varied program which represents all four ethnically varied areas of Croatia which are the Alpine, Pannonian, Dinaric and Adriatic regions.

For those audiences that appreciate the art of folklore on stage, LADO also mounts full evening thematic performances, such as Na moru i kraju (At Sea and on Land), which showcases dances from the Adriatic region encompassing its islands, coastline and hinterland. Dragi naš kaj (Our Dear "Kaj") consists of songs and dances from Northern Croatia, also known as the Kajkavian Region. The repertoire titled Lipi naši škoji (Our Pretty Islands), highlights the folklore specific to the islands on the Croatian Adriatic. Šokački sastanak (Meeting of the Šokci People) showcases the musical and dance traditions from the areas of Slavonia, Baranja and Bačka.

Trg Republike Hrvatske 6a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

OIB: 28251263363

MB: 3213862

Tel: +385 1 4828 472, 4828 473; Fax: +385 1 48 28 474

E-mail: lado@lado.hr

IBAN: HR6123600001101270924, Zagrebačka banka


"Folklor je kao i livada, puna raznobojnog poljskog cvijeća, ništa u njem nije isto, uvijek je sve novo, uvijek je malo drugačije i još ljepše..." - Zvonimir Ljevaković