76 years of activity


LADO Ensemble is presenting the diversity of its artistic work with different programmes. In addition to its dancing, vocal and vocal-instrumental programmes, LADO also presented special programmes, such as LADOElektro, folklore ballet with singing - Veronika Desnička, JazzLando and others, and it also envisioned a programme to present the Croatian cultural heritage protected by UNESCO and Croatian Culture Ministry lists.

In addition, Ladarice, Vocalists and the Orchestra are performing bodies prepared for separate performances.

Trg Republike Hrvatske 6a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

OIB: 28251263363

MB: 3213862

Tel: +385 1 4828 472, 4828 473; Fax: +385 1 48 28 474

E-mail: lado@lado.hr

IBAN: HR6123600001101270924, Zagrebačka banka


"Folklor je kao i livada, puna raznobojnog poljskog cvijeća, ništa u njem nije isto, uvijek je sve novo, uvijek je malo drugačije i još ljepše..." - Zvonimir Ljevaković